Starting Classes with Exercise Optimizes Learning
1. An exercise session at the beginning of class greatly
improves the ability of students to focus, learn and remember (Hillman, 2009 –
neuroscience: 159, 1044-1054).
2. It only takes 5 to 10 minutes of exercise (if it’s HIIT*
centered) to optimize brain function for an entire class period.
3. When MBPB Brain Sprints (HIIT for the
classroom) are the exercise of choice, there is NO loss of academic class time.
To see for yourself, check out this brief 1-minute Brain Sprint VIDEO:
OR you can visit: and
then type in “Brain Sprints” for a 3-minute version with greater
*** Free professionally-crafted teacher/parent handbook, DVD and/or live workshop
available for the asking at-- www.Smarter***
* HIIT = High Intensity Interval Training
Thanks and I hope you will take advantage of this free offer
and give your students a truly HUGE advantage!