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February 01, 2011


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Such a courageous woman. I admire her so much.

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I am not interested in taking steroids nor do I want to look like a female version of Arnold Schwarzenegger. I want to know the weight training process and the posing techniques used to impress the judges should I be interested in competing professionally.

Pablo D'Stair, Freelance Permissions


I am writing to obtain your permission to reprint the following material in a Cengage Learning publication.

Material needed:

Text of “Ernestine Shepherd: World's Oldest Competing Female Bodybuilder” as found at the following URL: http://growyounger.typepad.com/you_can_grow_younger/2011/02/ernestine-shepherd-worlds-oldest-active-female-bodybuilder.html

Details of our publication follow:
Title: Connect: College Reading, 2e
Author: Dole/Taggart
Print rights needed: World
Electronic rights Needed: Password Protected Website; CD-Rom; Ebook
Print run: 36998
Est. price: $69.25
Pub. Date: 01/01/2013

May I have your permission to reproduce the requested material throughout the world in all versions of this work, including future editions, and derivative works based thereon (including translations and adaptations) in print, digital, wireless or electronic format and for use in promotional material in any and all media?


Pablo D’Stair
Freelance Permissions
1417 Lucia Dr.
Las Vegas, NV 89128
Phone: 413-588-1945
Fax: 702-685-6744
[email protected]

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