By watching these 80-year-olds (80 and 81, actually), maybe we'll be inspired to get off the couch and do something. Maybe we can do fun activites and sports that we used to love, but thought we were too old to enjoy now. These are truly amazing performances -- for octogenarians -- for most any age, really.
Now, how about a woman water skier? Just as impressive -- maybe more.
By putting our attention on men and women, such as these two award-winning water skiers, Frank Bonney and Francis Woofenden, who defy the accepted beliefs about aging, we challenge these self-limiting and self-destructive beliefs. The more often we do this the more open we become to adopting more empowering expectations for ourselves as we age.
And now I'd like to invite you to claim your FREE Fitter After 50 / Fitter for Life e-newsletter when you visit
From Ed Mayhew -- the author of Fitter After 50, Fitter For Life and other books, CDs, videos and articles on how you, too, can make falling apart as you age merely an option -- NOT a mandate. Why not make the rest of your life the BEST of your life? and (click here for paperback or Kindle editions of AGE BLASTERS)