Want to know how to slow the aging process? YOU'LL FIND IT HERE. Want to know how to recapture energy levels you thought were the exclusive domain of the young? YOU'LL FIND IT HERE. Want to lose the weight AND keep it off? YOU'LL FIND IT HERE. Want to meet folks just like you who've done the above and can show how you can easily do it, too? YOU'LL FIND THEM HERE!
There are more than 156 articles and inspiring stories here to challenge any self-destructive and self-limiting beliefs you may have about aging. Reading these entries/stories will make room for new, more empowering beliefs. These new tenets will inspire you to take action steps resulting in your enjoying robust well-being and energy levels heretofore thought to be the exclusive domain of the young.
Starting with the January, 2008 story of how Bill Anderson developed the endurance and strength to peddle his bike the 2,000-mile perimeter of rugged Arizona in just over two weeks to celebrate his 81st birthday to the more recent article that revealed the "secrets" to the World's Oldest Man's longevity and excellent health -- you'll find one potentially life-transforming and inspiring idea after another. Find out how New York's Sheila Isaacs went from a non-athletic sedentary full-time working mother of two at age 53 to Ironman and an impressive triathlon first at age 67 (Feb, 2009). Get excited as you follow the story of how Michael Tasman found a single thought that rocketed him from 225 pounds of inertia to Ironman triathlete at age 50 (April, 2008).
Congratulations to Fitness Legend Dr. Bob Delmonteque, ND
Earlier this year the National Fitness Hall of Fame honored Dr. Bob Delmonteque with its Lifetime Achievement Award. Find out how this lifelong elite bodybuilder got in "the best shape of my life at age 78." (April, 2009) For more on Dr. Bob Delmonteque, you'll find a 16-page chapter devoted to his techniques for staying young in the book, Fitter for Life: The Secrets of 25 Masters of Fitness www.FitterForLife.com
274 Pounds to ULTRA Runner in Less than 2 Years
Susan Jennings, 48, lost nearly half her weight in less than two years and then had the newly-found energy to run a jaw-dropping 64 miles in a 24-hour race. Find out how she did it and how you can completely transform yourself, too, in this tell-all interview. (Aug., 2009)
Here's Susan in 2007 and the new 2009 version.
What's the Secret to Dancing in a Chorus Line at 85?
Find out where Dorothy Dale Kloss gets the energy and stamina to perform in 240 three-hour shows a year with the Fabulous Palm Springs Follies. Includes a video of Dorothy dancing ... and audio of a very entertaining radio interview she did last Spring. (Aug., 2009)
Going Strong at 73 -- The Ernestine Shepherd Story
Learn how a sedentary, well-padded school secretary, at age 56, transformed herself into a professional model, personal trainer and award-winning competitive bodybuilder at 73 gorgeous years. You'll be amazed by Ernestine's fit and youthful appearance in two photos and a video. Put her age-blasting techniques to use in your life. (Sept., 2009)
Tony Handler Turns Mega Excuses Into Reasons
Since age 43, Tony Handler has: fought off six different cancers (prostate, thyroid, liver ...), had 16 operations, including an aortic valve replacement, endured chemo (ongoing for the rest of his life) AND successfully completed more than 220 triathlons over the last 27 years. When this article was penned, Tony was looking to complete a half Ironman -- 70.3 miles to celebrate his 70th birthday. (May, 2009)
The Weaker Sex?
North Carolina's Ruth Ann Calais entered a gym for the first time in her 50s just to get strong enough to care for her invalid parents. From this inauspicious beginning and despite some health issues, Ruth Ann went on to become a World Champion PowerLifter at age 61. Find out how she greatly slowed the aging process and how you can, too! (May, 2008)
Great Gifts for that Special Someone
Is there someone in your life in their 40s, 50s or better whom you want to stay well and have robust good health for years or decades to come? If so, there are age-blasting books and CDs by author Ed Mayhew that make excellent gifts for them -- available at www.FitterForLife.comEd Mayhew is a leading authority on slowing and reversing aging, who through his speaking engagements, books, CDs and newsletters, helps Boomers thrive! His age-redefining books include: Fitter After 50, Fitter for Life and AGE BLASTERS: 3 Steps to a Younger You Visit him at: www.YouCanGrowYounger.com www.FitterForLife.com AND Ask for your F*R*E*E** Fitter After 50 e-newsletter or visit: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=ed+mayhew&x=14&y=17
AGE BLASTERS: 3 Steps to a Youngr You is now available in electronic KINDLE edition to be downloaded in 60 SECONDS to your pc, mac, smart phone, ipad ... GOOGLE "Kindle for pc" or "kindle for [your gizmo's name here]" to have the kindle book reader on your electronic device in minutes -- AND it's completely FREE!
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